Principal Ellen Kraska Welcome for 2024-2025 School Year

Dear Hoover Families,

I am enjoying all the smiles and meeting everyone at Hoover. As I mentioned during the Back to School Coffee, I would like to personally invite you to join me this school year in embracing curiosity, making connections, and strengthening our Hoover sense of community. 

In classrooms, teachers are facilitating activities that help students get to know one another, build new connections and nurture existing friendships. From the PTA perspective, we are engaging in outreach to welcome about 25 new families to Hoover as well. Thank you everyone for the kind and warm welcoming efforts as we launch the new school year.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Ice Cream Social this Sunday! And, new this year -- we will have an option to get fingerprinted at the Ice Cream Social so you can volunteer on campus!

Welcome back to School! 
Your Principal,
Ellen Kraska