How do I get started?
- Go the the Burlingame School District web site.
- Find “New Student Registration” on the homepage.
- Follow the directions to complete the process.
- It’s that easy!
What documents do I need to have prepared for registration?
- One Proof of Birthdate (birth certificate or passport)
- Proof of Residence
- A current PG&E bill is required
- Plus one of the following
- bank statement
- other utility bill ** (preferred)
- insurance papers
- The following are NOT considered acceptable proofs of residence (telephone bill, escrow, rental agreement)
- Proof of Required Immunizations (we will need a complete record by the first day of school)
Do I have to answer all of the questions?
- Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change, prior to submitting the form, you can either navigate back to the page using the “<Prev” and “Next>” buttons. Or if you are on the Review page, click on the underlined field. If you have already submitted the form, then you will need to contact your student’s school, so they can make the changes for you.
I’ve completed the form, now what?
- Once you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on the button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all REQUIRED questions.
What if I have more than one student in the district, will I need to complete one for each child?
- Yes, because you’ll need to provide information that is specific for each child.
Help! I’m having technical difficulties.
Click here for support or click “Contact Us” from any InfoSnap page.